Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stranger in a strange land

I am happy to have connections in India. Without someone to help navigate the traffic, the customs, and the mysterious cultural codes, I would be lost. But I have colleagues looking out for me and that makes all the difference. At the airport, I was met by a hotel driver, who waited three hours for me. In fact, so far, every place I have gone, there has been a driver to deliver me. And every buffet line I have entered, I have had a guide to navigate me through the curries and yogurts.

Most foods are uncommonly cheap--and delicious. But other items are clearly luxuries. Tonight I ordered room service for dinner and paid $3 for a Ceasar salad, but over $25 for a glass of wine. I never dreamed. Tomorrow night I will drink beer from the mini bar.

Perhaps the biggest revelation has been the India software development shop. Photon currently runs two shops in the southern city of Chenai, India, and their setup would make Henry For proud. The setup reminds me of a classic assembly line. Dozens of workers at their stations, ready to input the materials delivered to them. In our case, those deliverables are produc specs and requirements.
I am a stranger in a strange land.


Bernetta said...

Donna, I am so thrilled for you. I can see you constantly smiling, winning the hearts of all you meet, 'absorbing' the country and culture like no one else!

Are you taking pictures? Do you really the the mini-bar beer will be cheaper? Have all the fun and enjoyment you can.
Love you, Benetta

Donna Olendorf said...

Hi girlfriend,

Nice to hear from you. Yes, that beer was cheap in comparision to rich man's wine. But last night, I drank only water - better for the body and the budget!